It is known universally that modern age is the age of stress, tension and anxiety and young generation are the falling prey to depression.
Nowadays most of the students are not leading happy and productive life as they indulge in materialism that simply aggravates the already existing problems in their lives.

As a student you have exams to prepare, thinking about job, financial stress, family responsibilities and a demanding social atmosphere, as a result you sink into undesirable academic and personal problems making you feel lost. This feeling of loneliness creates an imbalance in your life therefore, you do not get peace anywhere and feel upset for not being able to perform even simple task.
Types of Stress
Stress can be either short term or long term. Short term stress can direct us to raise our score, polish our skills better than others and even encourage us to pursue coveted opportunities. It motivates us to break the barriers and do better than others.
However, prolonged stress i.e. Long term stress becomes troublesome if it starts digging your mind and goes unchecked. This stress can make a student lose his self-confidence and further push him into a dark phase.
At this junction stress relieving activity is significant for someone going through academic stress. You can get rid of stress- related problems by practicing yoga and taking mindful pause which is like rest button.
Yoga from ages has been known to be great antidote to stress — relief and adding confidence. Many students find that yoga helps them in controlling emotional imbalance, stress and builds ability to cop up with the frustrating situations.
Benefits of Yoga
Yoga is more than just stretching, physical postures or closing eyes. It is a unique workout for body and intellectual mind. Yoga can be helpful in both memorizing and learning g capacity by counteracting stress and promoting willpower.
- Reduce mental tension — Yoga can help in reducing tension. It is well- known fact that most of the students remains under stress and tension. Medication practices like Pratyahar, Dharana and Dhyan plays a vital role for restoring peace of mind. Makarasana, Shavasana, Suptasana and Bhujangasana Are beneficial for releasing stress. It helps in improving your memory and decline in dementia.
- Healthy body — “health is wealth” everyone in this universe wants to have a healthy body. By doing yogic asanas you will get rid of many health problems and stay fit. It will boost your metabolism, digestion and contribute to fat burning.
- Improves sleep quality — Poor sleep pattern gives birth to various diseases and disorders. Students perform multiple activities in their day to day life and due to this workload sleep can be affected. Therefore, by adopting yoga you will have better sleep pattern.
- Increases flexibility — flexibility is important for every person. It makes the body movement affective and graceful. Regular yoga practice can keep the lower back pain at bay and you can devote increased number of hours for studies without any worry. Yagasanas like Chakrasana, Dhanurasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana and Shalabhasana are beneficial in increasing flexibility of muscles.
- Provides relaxation — Rest and relaxation is important to remove fatigue. Students are indulged in physical & mental work throughout the day. Hence, they need rest by doing Shavasana, Makarasana they can relax themselves. Padmasana and Nadam Sadhana are good for reducing mental fatigue.
- Spiritual development — Through yoga we can attain spiritual development. By doing regular yogic exercise we can have good control over our mind. Padmasana, Pranayama and Siddhasana are best suited for this as they enhance meditation power and peace in life.
- Eradicates obesity — Obesity is a worldwide problem. Obese people fall prey to various diseases. Yogic exercises like Pranayama and meditative asanas reduce obesity. These asanas can reduce mental tension which causes obesity.
- Improves health — Yoga helps in maintaining and improving health by making our muscles strong, reenergizing and regulating other system of the body such as respiration, excretory, circulatory, nervous and glandular systems. It increases the efficiency of the body and thus improves health.
- Enhancing ethical values — by practicing Yama and Niyama such as non- violence, truthfulness, non- stealing, Swadhyaya , Santosh makes an individual strong more morally and ethically.
- Yoga can be easily performed –In present day life; everybody seems to be in a hurry. Lives become fast. Every individual complains of shortage time. All the yogic exercise can be performed easily. These exercises can be done in a short duration and are not expensive. Moreover, these exercises can be performed in less space.
How to Include Yoga in Your Routine?
The best part about Yoga is that you do not have to make any preparations in advance.
Either in the morning or in the evening you can reap the benefits of the Yoga. Interestingly, if you are feeling tired between your studies, and then also you can give yourself yoga break of 5–10 mins and revitalize your body.
However, if you are a beginner and have resolved to incorporate Yoga in daily life then you need to read below:
- Before starting Yoga postures, it is recommended to do some stretching first. This warms up the body.
- Initially, you need to perform Yoga for 30–45 minutes to see its results.
- Start with easy postures first, like Suryanamaskar and then gradually include the difficult postures.
- A certified trainer is duly recommended.
- The most crucial aspect of yoga is continuity so; you need to be consistent enough to follow routine.
- Adding yoga to your morning routine can be beneficial as when you return back you might not feel like exercising.
- It is very easy to learn and you do not need to spend money on buying expensive membership of gym to maintain fitness.
Yoga will help to improve your strength, concentration and flexibility.
Simply adding a few poses to your normal warm up or cool down can gives your mind and body the recovery it needs.
Also, fix a time which is suitable for you and time you can stick with, so that exercise become habit.
- Dress comfortably
- Eat light before yoga
- Hydrate your body
- Try to relax
- Be regular to maximize return
- Smile to take you through miles
- Push your boundaries
- Don’t compare yourself with others
- Visualize
- Practice
In a nutshell, it can be concluded that is a significant for mankind especially in present- day life. An individual can attain perfect health and can lead a happy, contented, exhilarated and productive life, if he performs yogic exercise regularly.
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